Using your God-given gifts to help those in need

Through a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Concordia is providing education and training to professionals in Wisconsin and Michigan to treat individuals suffering from opioid abuse/addictions.


This program can be completed in 9 months

  • 保健社工
  • 社区卫生
  • 心理健康咨询师
每学分成本 $0

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Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


Our team is standing by to assist you with additional program details, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


Through a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Concordia is providing education and training to professionals in Wisconsin and Michigan to treat individuals suffering from opioid abuse/addictions free of charge to the students. 100% of the tuition and a stipend will be given to those who are accepted into this certificate program.  

Wisconsin and Michigan have significant populations experiencing substance use disorders (SUD), as there is a disconnection in treating these individuals in a meaningful manner that will help to move them toward discontinued use or overcoming their addictions. 满足需求, Concordia is providing education to those who express an interest in positively impacting the lives of individual’s suffering from the effects of opioid use disorder (OUD). 

This program will enhance and expand paraprofessionals knowledge, 技能, and expertise. It aims to increase the number of Care Coordinators and other behavioral health-related paraprofessionals who work on interprofessional teams to provide services to children whose parents are impacted by opioid use disorders (OUD) and other substance use disorders (SUD), and their family members in guardianship roles.

There's a special focus on demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the specific concerns for children, 青少年, and transitional aged youth in high need and high demand areas who are at risk for mental health disorders and SUDs.



  • Demonstrate increased knowledge and capacity to help individuals and families with opioid use disorders (OUD) or substance use disorders (SUD)
  • Receive full tuition for the online certificate program including modules, 覆盖3学分, 8周在线课程“毒品”, 《正规赌博十大网站》和一张5美元的钞票,生活津贴
  • Have the flexibility to work through self-paced online learning modules after the completion of the academic course (above). Followed by 48 hours of experiential learning opportunities at designated partner sites
  • Complete a pre and post-test to demonstrate knowledge gained
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling 2.2 million over the course of 4 years with 100% funded HRSA /美国卫生和公众服务部. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, 也不是背书, HRSA /美国卫生和公众服务部, 或者是美国.S. 政府. For more information, please see this website: hrsa funding.
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